Oracle Cards: Instructions

Choose one of the following options:

-Pull an oracle card for a reading

-Tell me a paranormal story

-I will tell you a ghost story

-Play a round (or two) of an ESP game on my phone

Paranormal stories to choose from:

-Talking to the Dead

-Beware the Little People

-Mary’s Grave, Long Island

-Jamaica Plain Portal

-Trapeze Loft

-Poltergeist in Connecticut

-Hattie and the Gold Necklace

-Nature’s Classroom: Haunted Hotel

-Workplace ghosts: The Beachcomber and Truro Vineyards

-Pine Grove Cemetery

-UFO Over Cape Cod

-Phantom Smells: Sagamore Cemetery and Denise’s Lillies 

-Ghost Cats


Pull back the curtain and enter the room

Choose your favorite color on the LED light

When you are ready I will gently hit the Tibetan singing bowl

With our hands near each other (but not touching), we will both

Take 3 deep breaths to begin

I will shuffle the cards

You put your hand on the deck

Cut the deck

Pull a card

Tell me if you connect immediately to the card

I will tell you what the card symbolizes to me

I will hit the Tibetan singing bowl again when we are done